^^i can't not feel the warm and fuzzies when i see this picture of us, makes me happy^^
I've grown a fascination for museums. Maybe it's the artist inside me, but there is something rejuvenating about them. This time around we went to the Brooklyn Museum. I didn't even know Brooklyn had a museum that was so legit. I mean, it contained the Book of The Dead for crying out loud! I think I embarrassed myself a little for being excited about this book, especially after explaining what the book was to one of my best friend who goes to Cornell.
The museum wasn't as busy as the others that I've been to before. It was a little empty, but the Egyptian artifacts were by far the coolest things ever. Daniel and I got to touch the tomb of the mummies, ssshhh.
The forecast for that night was expecting a blizzard, so we (as in us floridians) were more than excited about the snow. We had gotten home early from the museum to buy some of the very best pizza's, Lenny's & Johns, and some cannolis from Palermos. This is another tradition we do as well. Usually we'd have family dinners, where we'd cook and or bake a dessert, but the cold gets the best of us sometimes. We do always have cannolis though. It's actually the only time I have cannolis throughout the year is when we're all together, having a movie night or just chatting or playing music or just simply enjoying everyones company.
Again, good food and good people. Also it's so sweet to have started and witness this "tradition" when Seth was just a tiny immobile bundle of joy to now a little handsome rascal who dances to any song that comes on and who's favorite word is "NO".
I love moments like that. Not doing much but movie nights and eating food with my favorite people around. I live for days like that.
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