twenty seventeen.


watching the first sunrise of this year was inspiring. i had a lot of goals, a lot of expectations that this year was going to be THE year. well it's definitely been a year alright. mixed in with a lot of good, there also came a lot of trials and weaknesses that i discovered about myself. its humbling to know them. 

this year:
  •  i found the courage to do hard things
  • found the courage to let go of hard things
  • accepting the fact that life can be unplanned 95% of the time
  • learned that taking breaks are necessary 
  • learning to think past myself 
  • learned to be hopeful 
im so grateful for this past year! it's been such a ride. and im so grateful for new beginnings too. that a "a New Year" actually exists! that we can start over, set new goals, take on opportunities, to be better. cheers to the new year, let's see what it has in store for all of us!

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